Invite ShamefulBot

Message listeners:
g2: bot responds with its love for G2
kun: bot responds with :open_mouth:

!help: Lists all commands
!cookie: Mmmmm cookie
!bye: Says bye
!repeat: Repeats whatever is after the command
!smile: Smiles
!ping: Pings the chat and the terminal
!info: Shows a users name, id, status, role, date joined, and waifu
!rl: Sends a messgae to the user to play Rocket League
!annoy: Sends an annoying message to the user
!embed: Used as a refernce for embedding things
!poke: Pokes the user
!join: Bot joins your current channel
!leave: Bot leaves current channel
!waifu: Shows the user's Waifu
!rem: Shows a random picture of Rem
!randomWaifu: Displays a picture of a random Waifu
!tets: Tester function, don't worry about it

Commands under work:
!setWaifu: Set your waifu, not working yet...
!clear: Clears the chat channel, not working yet...

Below are the commands for the YouTube audio player that does not work on the server I made, but works when I run it off of my computer:
!play: Plays the given url or adds it to the queue
!pause: Pauses the current thing playing
!stop: Pauses the current thing playing and empties queue
!resume: Resumes current item in queue
!skip: Go to next item in queue, not working yet...
!queue: Plays the given url or adds it to the queue